Heroes (lvl 12): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Regall, Ryel
675 MR - Summer - Rjurik Highlands
Gunnar, third son of High-King Sigurd, journeys south from his northern holdings to his father’s castle on a routine supply run. As he and his retinue crest the final ridge overlooking Lemnjohen, a dark plume of smoke coils into the sky. As they draw closer, the full horror unfolds before them—a vast army of orogs and goblinoids lays siege to the capital, their ranks swarming the city walls. Worse still, a colossal dragon leads the assault, bathing the streets in fire.
Carving through the horde, Gunnar fights his way to the great hall, now engulfed in flames. Inside, he finds his family making their final stand against the Gorgon himself. The monstrous warlord cuts down High-King Sigurd and Prince Sasha in swift, brutal strokes. Queen Kolina meets an even crueler fate, her form petrified in an instant beneath the Gorgon’s baleful gaze. Bleeding and gasping for breath, Princess Huralla flees the carnage, only to stumble upon her cousin, the court mage Taliesin. He greets her with a reassuring smile—before driving a dagger between her ribs. The betrayal is complete. Taliesin, long in league with the Gorgon, has orchestrated this massacre.
Gunnar knows there is no victory to be had. With a final surge of strength, he hurls the Gorgon back and seizes his father’s sword and crown before fleeing into the night.
Outside the ruined hall, he looks skyward as a giant eagle descends—Arch-Druid Huralla, come to spirit him away from the slaughter. As they take flight, the grim truth reveals itself. Across the city, shadowy portals remain open, through which the enemy forces poured in unseen. A realm spell—one that could only have been cast by the mage controlling the land’s Sources. Taliesin the traitor.
Gunnar and Huralla escape to Dhoesone, where Queen Niobhe offers them refuge. Through sorcery, Gunnar sends word to Regall, who gathers Thalion and Amani to weigh the dire consequences of this attack.
But Gunnar does not remain idle. As the rightful heir, he wears his father’s crown with pride and sets forth to the Realm of Jentilak. There, he demands an audience with Queen Rowena and King Trevan, parents of the traitor. The meeting turns sour—the Queen refuses to denounce her son and demands that Gunnar relinquish the crown. The air is thick with tension, the threat of violence lingering. Sensing the storm on the horizon, King Trevan calls for an adjournment.
The reckoning has only begun.