Tuesday 18 June 2024

Session 83 - End of Season Three

Heroes (lvl 12): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel

674 MR - Summer

The party strides into the grand throne room, where the Emperor awaits, wearing the mythical Crown of the Empire. With a voice dripping with charisma and malevolence, he attempts to persuade the heroes to lay down their arms and join him in ruling the empire, proposing Amani as his bride. Yet, the righteous fury of the heroes, kindled by two decades of tyranny and death, is unyielding.

Battle erupts, shadows springing to life as Thalion and Malik launch their assault on the Emperor. But the Emperor’s dark magic is formidable, inflicting excruciating pain on those who dare to oppose him.

Malik is the first to fall, the Emperor’s ruthless strike piercing his heart and siphoning his bloodline, ensuring he cannot return.

Desperation grips the heroes until Amani plunges her magical dagger into the altar that feeds the Emperor’s shadowy power. In the reflective surface, a gauntleted hand emerges. Seizing it, Amani summons Anomander from beyond the veil.

With Anomander’s immense magical prowess now bolstering them, the tide of battle shifts. The climax arrives when Anomander transforms into a colossal black-scaled dragon, cleaving the Emperor in two with a single, devastating bite.

The heroes reclaim the crown, and Anomander places it upon Amani’s head, crowning her Empress. As the Emperor's dark power dissipates, the undead in the streets crumble to dust, and the rebel dukes' armies surge forward.

A jubilant crowd gathers in the main square outside the imperial palace. When Empress Amani steps onto the balcony, a resounding cheer of glory and victory echoes through the air.

* * *

Far to the north, in the depths of his foreboding lair, the Gorgon whispers to the shadows. 

"The Bloodline of Roele has returned..." he hisses. 

Fiery eyes blaze with renewed hatred in the darkness as the ancient dragon growls ominously.

Friday 14 June 2024

The Emperor's Brides

Caliane "The Empress" - killed by Gunnar

Sariene "The Storm" - killed by Ryel

Fauve "The Lion" - killed by Deet

Thursday 13 June 2024

Session 82

Heroes (lvl 11): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel

674 MR - Summer

The City of Anuire is a cauldron of chaos as war rages through its streets. Amidst the clashing armies, the Heroes carve an unyielding path, their resolve as sharp as their blades. They storm through the turmoil and reach the gates of the imperial palace, a bastion of ancient power and looming destiny.

Within its grand halls, they confront the three brides of the Emperor, formidable scions of the Roele bloodline, each one a living testament to the dynasty's might. In a battle that shakes the very foundations of the palace, the Heroes triumph over the Brides, their victory hard-fought and glorious.

Now, standing on the cusp of destiny, they steel themselves for the ultimate confrontation. The final fight against the Emperor awaits, a clash that will decide the fate of Anuire and echo through the annals of history.


Thursday 6 June 2024

Session 81

Heroes (lvl 11): Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel

674 MR - Summer

A parley is convened between the Imperials and the Rebel Dukes. The Cardinal Duke of Diemed beseeches the Heroes to join forces with the Emperor, promising that their alliance will restore stability to the fractured Empire. As a grand reward, Amani is offered the honor of becoming the Emperor's fourth bride. Yet, when his pleas fall on deaf ears, his formidable bodyguard steps forth.

Revealing her true nature, the lady knight is a warrior angel of Azariel, bound to the Emperor's service. She admonishes the Heroes, proclaiming that by defying the Emperor, they are unwittingly aiding the real menace festering in the Shadowfell—a resurrected Azrai. Despite her warning, the Heroes remain unyielding, resolute in their cause, and reject any notion of alliance.

* * *

The Battle for Anuire erupts in a torrent of bloodshed as the Heroes and their armies storm the city's gates. Amid the chaos, their forces engage the imperial legions in a brutal struggle, while the Heroes confront the angel Uriel and her diabolical knights astride nightmares. The clash is fierce and unrelenting, but through sheer determination and valor, the Heroes prevail, emerging triumphant from the fray.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Session 80

Heroes (lvl 11): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel

674 MR - Summer

Anomander visits Amani in her dreams. Detecting doubt in her words, he unveils more about his past and his connection to the dead god Azrai. He gives her one final chance to prove her loyalty. Anomander needs Shadow magic to escape the Shadowfell and instructs Amani to use the dagger he gave her to absorb the power from the Cathedral of the One True Church. This act may counter the loss of the Spider's bloodline. When Amani awakens, she is troubled and uncertain about her next steps.

The Heroes reunite at the rebel dukes' encampment after a year apart, sharing tales of their adventures and holding a private ceremony to mourn Morwen's death.

Regall seizes the moment to speak with Thalion, revealing what he knows about Anomander. Thalion, deeply concerned, cautions Regall to be exceedingly careful in his dealings with the mysterious dark lef, and to renew his efforts to protect Amani from malevolent influences.

Regall also meets Rhys, and his sharp intuition quickly reveals a connection between them. Rhys discloses his true identity: he is Meadhros, Niobhe's son and Regall's half-brother.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Session 79

Heroes (lvl 11): Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel

674 MR - Spring


In the city of Djafra, Hassan and Gunnar receive an unexpected visit from Lord Thalion, who brings crucial news: he has discovered the location of the Suncrown, a powerful sielshegh-encrusted crown symbolizing rulership over the people of Basaia. unfortunately the location is protected by powerful magical seals, and reamoving these seals will required the intervention of the the Heores.

Accompanying Thalion is a member of the Swords of Avani, Aryia's elite fighting force, who is actually Malik in disguise. After months of cat-and-mouse games between Thalion and Malik, they have finally met and agreed to a temporary truce. Malik's goal is to assassinate the Emperor, and Thalion offers him the perfect opportunity to do so. The Heroes gather their fleet and prepare to sail to the City of Anuire.


Gregor has uncovered new details about the Crown of the Dragonlords. He reveals to Deet and Ryel that this crown is one of the Crowns of Power, artifacts forged by Ruornil, the god of magic, after the demise of the former gods of light. These crowns were created to empower the champions of the gods of light in their struggle against the encroaching darkness. 

When it is time to depart Vosgaard to aid Amani in Anuire, Gregor assigns a squadron of one hundred wyvern-riders, led by his brother and sister, to accompany the Heroes.


Through his magical powers, Regall has maintained contact with the others across great distances, keeping them informed about the progression of the civil war in Anuire. The rebel Dukes have achieved numerous victories and have persuaded several other realms to join their cause. The time for the final siege of the City of Anuire is fast approaching. 

Rumors circulate about dark angels reinforcing the imperial legions and animated armors patrolling the city's walls. A dark, spiraling cloud hovers above the capital, and a beam of purple light emanates from the Grand Cathedral of the One True Church, casting a sickly hue over the sunlight. From land, sea, and sky, the armies of the Heroes converge upon the capital for the decisive battle.

Monday 20 May 2024

House Roele


Anuirean Imperial House

Motto: "By Divine Right"

After the death of Michael Roele, the empire shattered, and the line of Roele was broken.

Many centuries after, Agelmore Avan reforged the Sword of Roele, found the Shield of Roele, and gathered the magical rubies of the Emperor Crown. Together with a cadre of valiant nobles, he united the Anuirean realms under his rule, and he took the name of Roele.