Saturday 16 December 2000


Goddess of the Sun, Lady of Reason

  • Anuire: Avanalae
  • Brechtur: Lana
  • Rjurik: Vani

Alignment: Lawful neutral

Worshipers Alignment: Any

Areas of Concern: Sun, reason, magic

Symbol: Setting sun

Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Light

Avani is the wife of Erik, the matron of the Basarji, and the successor of the old goddess Basaia. At Deismaar, her new-found powers helped to put the forces of evil to flight. Avani is now the sun goddess and lady of reason and logic, the counterpart to the mysterious moon god Ruornil.

Avani's Priesthood

Avani's temple is predominant in Khinasi and very important in Anuire. Her priests are sages, scholars, and teachers; a temple of Avani resembles a university or library.

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