Saturday 16 December 2000


Goddess of Night, Sister of Thieves

  • Brechtur: Ela
  • Vosgaard: Elyal

Worshipers Alignment: Chaotic neutral (evil)

WAL: Any non-lawful

Areas of Concern: Night, darkness, thieves

Symbol: Dagger

Domains: Death, Trickery

Eloele (eh-LOW-eh-lay) is the daughter of Sera and Ruronil. She was born in the early centuries following Deismaar and became the lady of thieves, deceit, and stealth. She is generally not a malicious power, but she is capricious and selfish; she loves to embarrass or trick their enemies, sometimes with lethal results.

Eloele's Priesthood

Few honest folk worship Eloele, but every rogue knows of the Sister of Thieves and seeks her blessing before setting to work. Only a few small shrines are scattered through the larger cities of Anuire and Brechtur, but a society of female warriors among the Vos reveres her as their secret leader.

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