Saturday 16 April 2011

Nathanael Alamie (590 - 642 MR)

Male Anuirean Fighter, scion

Coat of Arms: A Rising Red Phoenix on a Field of White.
House Words: Nothing is Written.

His father, Lord Thalion, is one of the most trusted advisors of the Emperor, and he has spent most of his time at the Imperial court.

He distinguished himslef during the war against the Kingdom of Ghoere, where he killed King Gavin Tael himself.

He then moved to the Giantdowns, to help his childhood friend Hrothwulf to forge his own kingdom.

Your father is one of the most trusted advisors of the Emperor, and you've spent most of your time at the Imperial court. You're a member of the Knights of the Iron Throne, the elite army tasked with protecting the Imperial Family.Together with Princess Siobhan, they have a daughter named Niobhe (female half-elf; Brenna, great, 47; born 5th Roelir 617 MR).

Death: Thrown into a lake of lava by Fire Giants, while assaulting the Gorgon's fortress.

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