Sunday 22 May 2011

Session 8

Early 611 MR till Spring 611 MR

Michael, left behind during the attack of the Knight of Balck Wings, gives proper burial to the corpse or Arben, and start making his way into the wilderness.

He gets lost after a day, and finds shelter in a cave. While camping, a traveller shows up, asking to share the fire. His name is Ashan, and he owns a finely crafted harp, with which he seems to be able to tame the wild beasts of the Giantdowns.

The two make their way to the Fort at Lemnjohen, where Ashan leaves, bidding Michael farewell. There, Michael reunites with Regall. They decide to leave the day after, loading the gold on the draft horses, leaving the wagon behind. They are escorted by a few men of the Watch.

The two heroes and one man of the Watch makes it to Midjarna, after a bloody encounter with a pack of hungry wolves, where all the heroes are finally together. Once there, the party starts to get familiar with the lay of the land. They meet Hogrun, leader of the Watch, and Anneke, the regent of Midjarna.

In the next few months, the heroes settle in Midjarna, with Michael starting up a trading Guild, and Jasmine forging the first connection with the Source of the land.

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