An old acquaintance of Hrothwulf. Born to a Rjurik couple, they were on the run from the law. They relocated to the Giantdowns, figuring Hjaldr, his father, quickly offered his skills to the Watch.
At a young age Sigurd had been called by the forest. A quiet and contemplative child, he was often tutored by a passing cleric of Erik, Kalla, who patrolled the province.
Around the time he was twelve and his father was out on patrol, his mother was killed by marauding Orogs. Sigurd survived by running into the forest, evading them. His father learned of the attack and went after them with a few fellow Watchmen. His father and half of the patrol never made it back.
Kalla took pity in the boy and took him under wing as a fulltime acolyte. In time the decision proved to be the right one, as the boy worshipped Erik as fish took to water.
Sigurd understands the balance of the land and the connection with it. He wishes however that at least the Giantdowns would be made safer for the people that live there, without giving up the balance that is.
Sigurd has only been released as a full fledged priest a year ago. With the other areas in the Giantdowns, he looks to other men and opportunities to help the land and its people. One that caught his eye is Hrothwulf and his aunt. Of powerful lineage, perhaps these might prove the answer to the future.
He's married with Huralla. They have a son named Storm (Re, minor, 21), born 8th of Emmanir 614 MR, and a daughter named Kolina (Re, minor, 21), born 3rd of Keltier 615 MR.
Turned to Stone (612 MR) - Petrified by the pet gorgon of Dunmudden, leader of a duergar compound. Returned to life in 613 MR.
Death (616 MR) - While exploring the underground outpost of Khazefryn, he desecrated an altar of Azariel. The wrath of the dark god punished him with a creeping doom spell.
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