Thursday 21 July 2011

Session 19

Spring 613 MR

Leander sends the Heroes on a mission to restore Sigurd from his petrified state. He believes an ancient Dwarven Clan is in possession of a magic ring that can bring him back. The Heroes travel to Midjarna to meet with a dwarven merchant, Gjor Upshar, and convince him to arrange a meeting for them with the Dwarves of the Silverhead.

While in Midjarna, the townsfolk is attacked by several burrowing monsters, apparently summoned by some kind of curse afflicting the village. The Heroes investigate, and realize that most probably Gjor has upset some kind of spirit in an ancient dwaven hold deep underground. When they go to meet Gjor again to bring them to the abandoned hold, they find him gone, appaently kidnapped.

Hugin manages to get the location of the dwarven stead from a fellow bard, who had accompanied Gjor in his previous expedition to the compound. Once there, the heroes meet the invading duergars of clan Dunmudden, who had kidnapped Gjor to bring them there. The heroes save Gjor, and manage to recover several important items of the Stonegate Clan, ancestors of the Rocksplitter Clan. In the ancient hold, Hrothwulf receives a magical iron crown from the spirit of the Dwarven King. The crown is missing several gems, now scattered around Rjurik lands.

Believing the attacks of burrowing monsters should stop now, the Heroes return to Midjarna, but alas, the town has been under attck from the ferocious creatures for the last few days. While the Heroes are at the inn, a Bulette crawls out of the floor, and mauls Thor to death. The Heroes destroy the monster, and spot several duergar outside the inn, one of them playing an enchanted flute, apparently also recovered from the abandoned dwarven stead.

The Heroes give chase, but thanks to their powers on invisibility, the duergar escape with the flute. The score with Dunmudden is not yet settled.

Gjor is thankful to the Heroes for having rescued him, and for having retrieved the Axe and Medallion of the Stonegate, and accepts to bring them with him to the Silverhead mountains' clans.
Once there, the Heroes meet with Thane Emerus Rocksplitter the Second, who rewards them by using his magical Stone Ring on the petrified forms of Sigurd and Tannen, returning them to life.

Accompanied by an honor guard of Dwarven warriors, the Heroes return to the Old Fort.

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