Sunday 31 July 2011

Session 21

Autumn 613 MR

Back into the Giantdowns, the Heroes hear that the Kjarhoelle tribe is still causing trouble in Trondelaag and nearby provinces, by using hit-and-run tactics. Tired of them, and having secured a few troops, the Heroes decide to invade Trondelaag, and eliminate the bandits once and for all.

On the field of battle, the Heroes find the bandits have joined forced with several goblin tribes enslaved to Ghuralli, the awnshegh chieftain living in the north-east of the Giantdowns. But the Heroes, thanks to their powerful battle magic, defeat the enemy army, and claim the spoils of war.

Unfortunately, chieftain Magnus and a few trusted lieutenants escape, and the Heroes pursue them. While they travel the treacherous mountain paths, a couple of wyverns sweeps down from the sky, taking the life of Michael on the tip of their poisonous tails.

Mourning their lost friend, the heroes continue the chase, and find Magnus between the ruins of an ancient Anuirean fortress. Hrothwulf claims Magnus bloodline by piercing him through the heart with his enchanted sword, Crimdrach.

But something is afoot among the ruins. Jasmine had previously heard from her suitor, Prince Voron, that those ruins existed at the border between this world and the world of Shadow, and that on the other side a powerful tighmaevril weapon was to be found.

The Heroes decide to enter the Shadow, and explore the ancient fortress, infested by many undead. Their quest is rewarded, when they finally reach the treasury, and find Brichlur, the magical bloodsilver spear.

Our Heroes leave the Shadow, only to find the Anuirean ruins surrounded by goblins and dark dwarves, led by two powerful-looking half-ogres. The two brutes demand the spear in the name of their liege, the mighty awnshegh Gorgon.

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