Sunday 21 August 2011

Session 23

Winter 613 MR

Prince Voron arrives in the Giantdowns with his entourage, a tough regiment of Vos warriors, that prmptly take service under the guidance of Lena. Jasmine decides to spend a few private weeks with her suitor.

The goblinoids tribes in the Silverhead mountains are creating more and more trouble, as the awnshegh Ghuralli organizes them to face the growing threat of the Brotherhood of the Wolf. Rjurik scouts report that a couple of thousands humanoids may be living between the mountains.

The Heroes decide to ask the help of the Rocksplitter dwarven clan, to lend military aid to their own troops, and crush the monstrous presence in Silverheart once and for all. They travel to the dwarven hold, and meet with King Emerus Rocksplitter. The dwarven king is willing to provide aid, but his greatest warrior, the dwarven hero Durin Hammershield, general of his hosts, is missing. Durin ventured deeper underground, to investigate mysterious attacks on several dwarven villages, and has not returned.

The Heroes promise to bring Durin back, and delve into the dark tunnels. There, they meet a Beholder, the real responsible of the attacks, who claims to have ensorcelled Durin, and sent him to investigate a strange floating crystal tower. The Beholder has made use of the dwarf, since it seems the weird crystal formation is protected by an anti-magic field. The Heroes manage to avoid a fight with the aberration, and approach the crystal tower, where they're met by an alien environment, and deformed creatures.

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