Sunday 6 November 2011

Session 33

Khinasi Lands, 615 MR

At the Temple, they learn something about Achbar. It seems the pirate lord murdered Samia's grandfather, and was flogged and banned from his tribe for it. The party also realizes that the living sand following them is most probably what remains of the murdered man. After having regained their strengths, they travel south and reach the Pirates' cove. Following the suggestion of an hermit, they enter the compound through an underground stream.

Inside, they make their way stealthly until they meet the leaders of the pirates, while Michael sneaks away to face Achbar alone, who is none other than the Master of the Black Lotus. Michael, doubting his father's true motives, refuses to attack the Master, but Lord Thalion appears in the room thanks to powerful magic, and eventually persuades Michael to use a poisoned dagger to kill the Master.

Khalila feels that all the power of her father now flows into her, and begins to wonder what Michael is up to. With the remaining members of the party, they free Samia and retrieve Achbar's treasure.

Lord Thalion, apparently in a hurry, tells Michael to wear a dark cloak and a mask once belonging to the Master, and to take a ring from the corpse. The ring bears the symbol of a flame. Lord Thalion also wears a similar one. He instructs his son that he's now going to bring him to a secret meeting, where a vote will take place, and that all he needs to do is to support him.

Thanks to the rings, they appear into a circular room where more cloaked figures are discussing the future of Cerilia. A vote is passed, determining that the King of Ghoere will be assassinated. As fast as they can, the Alamies leave the assembly, teleporting to Alamies' lands. There, Thalion explains that he belongs to a secret organization, the Enlightened, whose aim is to unite all of Cerilia to face an impending threat, the Shadow.

Michael finally receives some answers about his father's past, and seeks aid to remove the curse gripping his soul. Lord Thalion, happy for the apparent recociliation with his son, believes his only chance lies in the the High-Patriarch of the Church of Haelyn.

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