Sunday 22 January 2012

Session 43

Autumn 616 MR

The Heroes offer an alliance to Queen Llaeddra, but she refuses to have anything to do with mortals. Noticing that Siobhan carries Nathanael's child, she banishes her from the Forest Realm. The Heroes return to Trondelaag, where Siobhan offers them her help to dissolve the magical mists covering Caer Cwnnar.

As the warding disappears, Hrotwulf's armies invade and conquer Caer Cwnnar, slaying the occupying goblins to the last. Siobhan senses that the mebhaighl in the region has been corrupted by shadows, and the wardings present in the surrounding regions are stronger. She is not sure she will manage to dissolve also those.

Feeling they've earned his trust, Hrothwulf assigns Caer Cwnnar to Nathanael and Siobhan, and invests Samiah with a few Sources he inherited upon Michael's death.

As the year approaches its end, Jasmine pays a visit to invite the Heroes to her marriage with Lord Voron. Thanks to her and Samiah's magic, they travel to Torova Temylatin in an instant. There, they're greeted by snowstorms and the cold welcome of the rugged Vos people.

Lena, paying her regards to Voron's dying father, Tzar Vassily, makes an important discovery: she once possessed a cursed bloodline. Her father, Tzar Ivan Krovolka, obtained an Azrai bloodline by slaying an awnshegh, not long before conceiving Lena. Lena's mother died in childbirth, and Lord Krovolka, taken by madness, and a fully transformed awnshegh, tried to kill the infant Lena. She was saved by Lord Vassily, who then hired a priest to remove Lena's bloodline, and store it somewhere save (via the blood bank spell). Unfortunately, the priest died not long after, and the vessel of Lena's bloodline was stolen.

Lena decides to go and check her father's castle, when a huge pack of dire wolves attacks Voron's castle.

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