Sunday 20 July 2014

Session 1 (200 xp)

Heroes: Malik, Niobhe, Vladimir, Trevan, Sigurd, Machteld, Signar.

Year 640 MR - Spring

The Heroes are in the City of Anuire, the mood is somber, as if the land itself knew that soon the Emperor, already sick for many months, is about to die.

Malik is in the city with a delegation from Ariya. He sends word to Lord Thalion that he wishes to speak with him, and arranges for a meeting in the following days.

Niobhe, Vladimir, and Sigurd, have travelled together from the Giantdowns, and are guests of Lord Thalion at his residence in the Noble Quarter.

Machteld is affiliated with Wulf's Myrmidons, a mercenary company at the service of Lord Thalion, while Trevan, having lived in the City of Anuire for long many years, has been tasked to remain at Sigurd's side to guide him.

Signar, recently arrived in the City of Anuire seeking passage north, hears rumours of a Crusade most probably going that way, and signs up with Wulf's Myrmidons as a common soldier. But something is afoot, as the recruiters seem to recognise him, and assign him to Machteld, stationed at Lord Thalion's Palace.

There, those scions coming from the Giantdowns recognise Signar, and welcome him among them. All together, they go for a walk at the Market Quarter, where they encounter a mob gathered around a street-preacher. Malik observes the scene from the edges of the street.

The preacher is condemning the present state of the Church of Healyn, blaming them for corruption: certainly the gilded palaces and temples of the prelates, and their frivolous pursuit of poetry and art have nothing to do with a true believer of Healyn!

As the preacher readies himself to burn a carriage full of books, paintings, and other riches, the Heroes have a short discussion with him that almost ends in a riot. Signar, cursed with second sight, has a vision of a two-headed eagle falling from the sky at his feet. Then the bells start to toll, and everyone knows: the Emperor is dead.

As the Heroes hurry back to the Noble Quarter, Malik stalks the preacher to his little church, and assassinates him. A vision of an angel with wings of blood sends a shiver down his spine.

Back at Alamie's palace, the Heroes prepare for dinner, with a surprise guest: Malik, who Niobhe realises is actually her cousin. The Heroes exchange a few pleasantries, and late in the evening Lord Thalion arrives.

Conversation touches several topic, until Lord Thalion addresses Niobhe and Sigurd.

To Niobhe, he explains that, with her father (his son) not willing to accept the lands of the Alamie, it would fall to her to inherit the family estates. He asks her to consider moving to Anuire, to rule in his stead while he must remain in the City of Anuire to handle the coronation of the new Emperor, and whatever the uncertain future may bring in these times of changes.

To Sigurd, he confesses that he's disappointed with the way King Hrothwulf (Sigurd's father) has chosen to remain in his kingdom for the last 20 years, instead of trying to unify the Rjurik Highlands, as it was agreed with him and the Emperor 20 years before. He hopes Sigurd can change the king's mind, and push him to be the hero and conqueror they all wish him to be, or if necessary to take this task upon himself. As a sign of good faith, Lord Thalion offers to Sigurd the assistance of Trevan, who will follow him to the Giantdowns as his court mage.

As the dinner concludes, the Heroes have much to think about, and Signar decides to have a night out in the city. At a tavern, he's approached by two shady individuals, apparently there to deliver a message to him. They tell him he has "friends" in high places, that would support him in his bid to become King if he ever finds the courage to "stand aside" when the inevitable needs to happen.

Signar is at a loss of words, but the messengers do not wait for a response: they tell him that in the future someone bearing the same pin they bear, a silver phoenix, will approach him to hear his answer. Then they depart, leaving Signar to ponder on what just happened...

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