Sunday 14 December 2014

Session 17 (3,400 xp)

Heroes: Trevan, Machteld, Signar, Niobhe, Malik, Vladimir

Year 641 MR - Spring

The Heroes reach the underground catacombs where the necromancer Darkon and his elite minions dwell. But during a fight against orogs mounted on subterranean lizards, Vladimir is captured and brought to the necromancer.

Trevan, under a spell of invisibility, follows the unconscious Vladimir to Darkon's sanctum. When the dark mage is about to stab the young Vos through the heart, Trevan makes his presence known and seals a pact with his enemy to save his friend. The Heroes will retire their troops from Chur, and leave the necromancer alone, and he will return Vladimir to them.

Darkon also suggests an alliance among those able to manipulate the sources of the Rjurik Highlands; Trevan decides to take time to consider the implications. When he explains the situation to the rest of the party, they retreat from the field of victory with very unhappy troops. Only Signar's leadership manages to raise the spirits of the Rjuven soldier, after a demonstration of strength and authority.

After a week, Vladimir stumbles into the Heroes encampment, starved and wounded, dressed in rags; around is neck is an unholy symbol of Karthatok, demon lord of the goblin. On the backside of the symbol, a message in goblin is scratched "I wait for you in Shkkra".

The Heroes and their troops spend the rest of the month in Angarr, to recover from their past battles and ready their next move.

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