Saturday 14 March 2015

Session 29 (1,500 xp)

Heroes: Signar, Borgar, Malik, Machteld, Riegon

Year 642 MR (3rd quarter)

The Heroes attend to a court session, to make sure all the regents of Grevesmuhl are kept in the dark of their true intentions, and to assure them that the "illness" of the Duke is only temporary. Lord Luther of the Church of Ruornil proposes himself as suitor for Machteld's daughter, in order to better protect her from those at Court that would take advantage of her.

Once the court session is over, the Heroes prowl the city to find a way to discover Karsten the Whale's hideout. They pose as mercenaries, and after a display of combat skills join the crew of Oliver the Hook, one of Karsten's captains. After a couple of days the pirates sail to Karsten's secret lair, a cliffside grotto in Grabentod.

Once there, they spot Machteld's daughter, but decide to lay low until they have the chance to formulate a plan. Signar and Borgar, having being singled out as priests, are invited by Karsten to dine at his table; having learned that Signar is actually a priest of the Goddess of the Sea, Karsten decides he will be the one to celebrate the marriage when the other "guests" will arrive.

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