Saturday 28 March 2015

Session 31 (1,700 xp)

Heroes: Borgar, Malik, Machteld, Riegon.

Year 642 MR (3rd quarter)

Borgar, Malik, and Riegon regroup, and during the night they infiltrate the pirate cove. With carefully aimed arrows and quarrels, they silently take care of the few pirates still awake, and free Machteld from her imprisonment.

After having equipped themselves, they sneak into Karsten's rooms, where they can finally get revenge for the death of Signar. Machteld is reunited with her daughter, whose only friend during her months of imprisonment has been Franz Von Allesrecht, a travelling tutor of vast knowledge.

With Karsten's head in a sack, the Heroes try strike a deal with the remaining pirates to follow their commands until they're back in Grevesmuhl; then the the pirate will be free to leave with one the ships. Afraid to end up like their captain, the pirates agree.

Back in Grevesmhul, Machteld listens to what her mother and daughter have to say, and decides to remain in Grevesmuhl for the time being, to make sure young Ottilie is able to rule in her stead. She also plans to secure her position by marrying Lord Luther of the church of Ruornil, and giving him an heir. Malik, Riegon and Borgar say their good-byes, and sail away to the Rjurik Highlands.

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