Monday 6 April 2015

Session 33 (2,000 Xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Vladimir, Malik, Rowena, Niobhe

Year 643 MR (2nd quarter)

Niobhe and Malik travel to Lluabraight on a diplomatic mission. On their way, they stop by Niobhe's childhood home in Caer Cwnnar. In Nathanael private rooms, Malik notices a secret panel, very similar to one he once spotted in Thalion's residence in the City of Anuire. Without anyone noticing, he opens the panel, and retrieves a dark purple cloak, a metallic mask bearing the symbol of a dagger, and a signet ring bearing the symbol of a flame.

In the evening, he feels a warmth coming from the ring, and feels the need to seek privacy. He wears the cloak and mask, and puts the ring on his finger. After a few moments of haziness, he finds himself in a mostly dark room, not sure if really there with his body, or just with his mind. The only light comes from a brazier aflame in the center of the room, and a pillar of light coming from somewhere above, also in the center. Masks similar to the one he wears appear in a circle around the light, each bearing a different symbol.

The masks speak of a plot to overthrow the current Emperor of Anuire, and though each mask uses some sort of "code-name" to identify themselves, it becomes clear to Malik that the plot is apparently hatched by the Patriarch and Lord Thalion working as allies! The council votes for the Patriarch to dispose of the Emperor as soon as possible. Malik's mother is also a member of this secret council; when the other masks have left, mother and son update each other on their current situation, and Malik's mother orders him to "dispose" of Niobhe and her sister, to further their revenge. After leaving the mystical room, Malik has a lot of thinking to do...

During the next days, Niobhe and Malik reach Lluabraight, and thanks to her words of friendship and familial love, Niobhe manages to strike a deal with her grandmother. The elves will not invade Caer Cwnnar and Rhuiddar, if Niobhe will be the one to rule over them. Most importantly, Queen Llaeddra wishes for the half-elven noblewoman to choose for her elven family when the time will come. Still torn, Niobhe visits her mother, who once again prompts her to go and seek the Phoenix, so that Nathanael may rest in peace.

Year 643 MR (3rd and 4th quarter)

The Heroes focus on ruling their domains. Temples and Guilds are built in several provinces, and several small towns are born.

Year 644 MR (1st quarter)

Roving bands of Frost Giants have been spotted in the north of Jentilak. The Heroes investigate the matter, and must fight a pair of giants that have been terrorizing the forests. After the giants are killed, it seems certain that they're coming from the lands of the White Witch.

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