Monday 1 June 2015

Session 40 (2,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Vladimir, Malik, Rowena, Storm

Year 645 (2nd quarter) Rjurik Highlands

When the sielshegh gem is removed from its pedestal, the ground begins to tremble. Storm and Malik rapidly make their escape from the underground city, and the whole cave comes crashing down. Together with them, they bring a few dozen mongrelmen.

Once on the surface, they realize the extent of the damage: a whole section of the town has colapsed, with water from the river rapidly filling in. When the king asks for an explanation, the Heroes blame it all on the captured priestess of Karesha. After a rapid execution, and a considerable "donation" from sigurd and Storm to help in the restoration of the sunken quarter, the king hails the Heroes as saviors of the city. Storm is appointed as jarl of Aarvald, and says his goodbyes to his friends.

Back in Jentilak, Malik receives a visit from his mother; she urges once more Malik to go ahead with their plan of revenge against the Alamies, but Malik persuades her that the time is not right yet.

In Havenwood, Rowena summons her magic powers to raise a castle made of pure ice. There she settle with her family, and her newly aquired mongrelmen servants...

* * *

Heroes: Ansen, Leonarr, Erin, Coradan, Niobhe

Year 645 (3rd quarter) The Anuirean Empire

The rebel armies of Tieghan, Alamie, and Mhoried approach the City of Anuire, to bring a final assault on the Empire. As the leaders of the rebellion plan the attack, a request for a meeting to discuss a treaty comes from the Patriarch of the One True Church of Haelyn.

During the meeting, the Patriarch offers to help the rebels! Having realized the Emperor has gone too far, he's willing to let the invading armies inside the city, so that they may depose the Emperor. He offers to take care of the wizards of the College of Sorcery, to give better chances to the rebels to succeed. But the price to pay for his help is quite high: the Patriarch requests the support of the great lords of Anuire in his bid to become the next Emperor.

Alamie, Mhoried, and Tieghan are divided in their opinions, but the Patriarch's offer needs to be answered with all haste: the Imperial legions are on the march, and the College of Sorcery is ready to unleash fiery destruction on the besieging armies.

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