Sunday 14 June 2015

Session 42 (2,000 xp)

Heroes: Niobhe, Ansen, Erin, Leonarr, Coradan

Year 645 MR (3rd quarter) City of Anuire

The truth is revealed when the Patriarch enters the throne room, and the divine power of the now defunct Emperor flows into him! The Heroes must swallow one more hard truth, the Patriarch is now also the Emperor.

Peace treaties follow, where the Emperor-Patriarch informs the gathered dukes that the Empire is to become a Theocracy, guided by the light of Haelyn. All nobles will keep their lands, but the ruler of each domain must be an anointed priest of the One True Church.

During the coronation ceremony, both Ansen and Erin witness a statue of Healyn crying tears of blood. They take this as a sign that the current events do not sit well with their god.

Niobhe and Ansen decide to marry, to make sure Alamie remains in the hands of a trusted ally. She plans of coming back to the Rjurik Highlands after giving birth to an heir, to be guided in the faith of Haelyn by Ansen.

Back in Alamie, Niobhe experiences a terrible dream. She's in the darkness, the only light emanating from a spherical crystal prison, where her grandfather, Lord Thalion, is kept. The tip of colossal black feathers caress the sphere, and a knight in bronze armor, wearing a full helm with the visage of an angelic face, stands guard. "You shall kneel, and abide by the law, and be a good girl, Niobhe" says the knight "or your grandfather will pay the price of your mistakes".

* * *

Heroes: Sigurd, Vladimir, Malik, Rowena, Storm

Year 645 MR (4th quarter) The Rjurik Highlands

The Heroes gather their armies at the borders with Dhoesone; having secured the support of the Stjrodvik Traders, and of the legitimate heir, Daeric Dhoesone, they invade the realm. They push the armies of the One True Church to the south, where battle is joined. The Heroes annihilate the opposition, and capture James Ardant, the ruling cardinal.

They force him to invest Daeric with regency of the realm, on pain of death. The priest accepts, and then he's set free. Not too long after, news reach the Heroes that Lord Ardant and his retinue have been killed while seeking passage south on a ship. The newly appointed Duke of Dhoesone cuts all bonds with the Empire, and swears fealty to King Sigurd.

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