Sunday 26 July 2015

Session 47 (4,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Vladimir, Malik, Machteld, Niobhe

Year 648 MR (2nd quarter)

The Heroes travel to Ghamoura, the island where the Phoenix has been sighted last, where they find a  tyrannical government ruled by the priesthood of Nasri. Pretending to be merchants, they manage to obtain informations about the location of a lost "temple" of the Phoenix. Obviously, their "investigation" includes breaking an anarchist out of jail, and setting a portion of the capital city on fire...

In the meanwhile, Vladimir is experiencing unsettling dreams... A battlefield covered in snow, a castle looming in the distance like a bird of prey perched on a huge rock... A long forgotten friend from his homeland trying to reach out to him... "Your blood... I need your blood..."

They escape the province of Alcamar with their longship, travelling to the north-eastern side of Ghamoura. There, following the instructions of the bard Omar, they travel inland, eventually reaching an imposing mountain. They climb up, until they arrive on a vast ledge on the mountain-side. Huge marble doors, lined in golden script, stand between perfectly chiseled statues of gargantuan eagles.

Unfortunately, the entrance to the temple is not unguarded. Horrible creatures with snake-traits are camped outside the doors, immediately attacking the Heroes. After having dispatched them, Machteld solves the riddle presented by the marble doors, and the doors open to them.

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