Saturday 1 August 2015

Session 50 (5,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Vladimir, Machteld, Malik, Niobhe.

Year 648 MR (3rd quarter)

The Heroes face many trials, their very life force sapped away by the magical prison. when they find Chardath in the throne room created by his own madness, they see him wielding a magical axe, whose blades are shaped like the wings of a raven.

They fight the madman, eventually defeating him and taking from him the silver key that will set them free. But before leaving, Niobhe slashes at the black-bladed axe, shattering it into thousand pieces.

When they return to the real world, the Raven himself is standing in front of them, wracked with pain. They all plunge their blades in his shattering form, and then he disintegrates in a million shadows of raven feathers. The awnshegh is no more!

The Heroes rest for a night, but Vladimir's mind is set: he wants to challenge his half-brother Drago, hoping that by defeating him he will stop his crazy quest of destroying civilisation... or die trying.

The two face each other in holy duel, but Drago's fury cannot be contained. With three rapid strikes of his deadly axe, he mortally wounds Vladimir... and then cuts his head! The Heroes are allowed to leave in peace, the pain for their lost friend still gripping their hearts.

Year 648 MR (4th quarter)

The Heroes travel back home. Malik and Machteld take the way north, to visit Grevesmhul and Machteld's family. Sigurd and Niobhe travel south, stopping at the City of Anuire, where they learn unsettling news. The Patriarch Emperor has successfully invaded Tuarhievel, and slain Prince Fhilaerene. Rumors talk of an army of shadows doing most of the Patriarch's work...

Niobhe stops for a few months in Alamie to spend time with her family, while Sigurd proceeds to the Giantdowns.

Year 649 MR (1st quarter)

Having preserved Vladimir's corpse with divine magic, the Heroes finally lay rest to their friend, and commemorate him during a grand funeral.

The rest of the quarter in spent building up, mustering troops, and get back on track after almost one year spent abroad. Scouts from the north report that the White Witch has invaded and conquered Jankaping, while orog armies are spotted on the border with the Gorgon. Evil seems to be getting bolder...

Year 649 MR (2nd quarter)

Niobhe travels to Tuarhievel, to investigate the rumours she heard in Anuire. Unfortunately, all she heard is true... creatures of the shadow world infest what was once one of the most beautiful woods of Anuire. These news push the Heroes to muster even more troops, and strengthen their position.

A Kingsmoot is organised in Hollingholmen, where the Kings of the Rjurik realms will discuss what to do about the rising power of the White Witch. Everyone agrees that unity must be achieved, but no agreement is found about who should lead such an alliance. The Heroes support their king, Sigurd, and promise to show the other realms that he is the best choice. They plan to gather all the missing sielshegh stones of the Iron Crown, and to slay the Siren.

Year 649 MR (3rd quarter)

The Heroes' troops gather in Halskapa, to launch their assault on the Siren. While the army settles, the Heroes plan to travel to Svinik to investigate an ancient, cursed forest, said to be the resting place of one of the gems of the Iron Crown.

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