Monday 17 August 2015

Session 52 (3,000 xp)

Heroes: Storm, Machteld, Malik, Niobhe

Year 649 MR (4th quarter)

The Heroes pay a visit to the King of Svinik, who thanks them for having lifted the curse from the forest, and renews his bonds of friendship and alliance. Then they travel to Halskapa to join with their armies. Jarl Dhaerg Wir welcomes them in the encampment, and together they plan their invasion. Not a week has passed, when the armies of the Giantdown and Halskapa march on the realm of the Siren, meeting the defender on a grey muddy fields, and winning the field, albeit with heavy losses.

The victors have to deal with Dhaelryk, regent of the Siren's realm, and former lover of the awnshegh. He turns out to be a broken man, awaiting his death, and not much help in finding the Siren's lair. Luckily the Arch-priest of the temple of Narikja is the exact opposite, promptly offering assistance to fight the Siren, even going so far as to arrange for a longship and a magical ritual that will allow the Heroes to breath underwater.

The Heroes take to the sea, to reach the rock where the Siren accepts offerings of submission. But the weather is against them, as a powerful storm rocks their vessel. Then the Siren's minions attack. The ship is destroyed, and a band of sauhagins, led by sea hags, tests the Heroes' ability to fight underwater. After this threat has been taken care of, the Heroes are approached by a few merfolk, peaceful sea creatures, whose tribesmen have been enslaved by the Sire.

The guide the Heroes to an underwater cliff, and point them in the direction of the siren' lair. But the place is heavily guarded, and after a few hours of trudging at the bottom of the sea, the Heroes are ambushed by hulking sauhagin barons and their shark pets. The battle proves very taxing, but eventually the Heroes emerge victorious.

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