Monday 31 August 2015

Session 54 (3,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Storm, Machteld, Malik, Niobhe

Year 650 MR (2nd quarter)

The Heroes check on Rowena, and they find her in ther laboratory, in the middle of a powerful summoning spell. But something goes wrong, and her spell backlashes on her, knocking her out, and leaving behind an Ice Devil! The Heroes send the beast back to Hell, and then investigate Rowena's laboratory for clues.

They find out that the Queen has had contact with the White Witch, who has trained in Ice magic, and the opening of portals into a distant dimension of "pure ice". The Heroes inform King Trevan, and he promises he will keep a closer eye on his wife.

Sigurd reveals what he learned about the Hunter, most importantly that he can only be sought out during the Spring months, giving them a few months to look for his location.

Year 650 MR (3rd and 4th quarter)

Rumors of an unnatural winter spreading from the White Witch realms reach the Kings of the Taelshore. Several border provinces have succumbed to the icy curse,entire villages have been forced to move south by the deadly weather, and the monstrous fey creatures that follow.

News reach Sigurd that Queen Rowena has left her castle, and disappeared. The Heroes suspect her obsession with Ice magic has pushed her to seek her grandmother, the White Witch. The Heroes focus on improving their domains, readying themselves for the impending war against the White Witch.

Year 651 MR (1st quarter)

With the blessing of Huralla, the Heroes travel to the White Witch realm, without any entourage. Huralla revealed to them that the Hunter can be found by "following the spring": it seems the Ershegh has the power to oppose the dark magic of the White Witch, and return the weather to normal, at least in his proximity.

As they travel north, they see the desolation that the realm of the White Witch has become. When they approach her former capital, they find only frozen corpses. Hoping to find some information about Queen Rowena, they enter the cursed city. When they reach the entrance of the former royal palace, many of the frozen corpses raise from the dead, hungry for the flesh of the living.

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