Sunday 25 October 2015

Session 61 (3,500 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Storm, Machteld, Malik

Baator - Stygia (5th layer) - Steadfast Chill

The day after, a unit of minotaurs arrives to escort the Heroes to Geryon's fortress. They travel in an enclosed carriage, where one more passenger is present: a fiendish humanoid, calling himself Drusus. It seems the horned creature has already been in Geryon's abode, but fears to be returned there.

When they arrive at destination, they find countless legions of devils camped on the frozen plains at the feet of a mighty glacier. On the side of this mountain of ice, iron towers flank gigantic steel doors, the very entrance to Citadel Coldsteel.

The Heroes are brought in, where more devils and minotaurs keep watch on Geryon's domain. They're ushered into a dark cave, where they're ordered to wait under the vigilant gaze of their minotaurs escort.

But Sigurd proves impatient, and accidentally awakes the guardian slumbering in the cave... a fiendish white dragon! When the Heroes fail to quench its rage, they're forced to fight the beast. Taking advantage of his ability to fly, the fiend unleashes his icy breath on the Heroes several times, clawing and biting at them when he plunges from on high.

Dherg Wir is mauled by the dragon's claws, and not even Machteld's healer skills can bring him back. Storm grasps Dherg's sword, Hrunskvang, awakening its divine powers with his Reynir bloodline. The greatsword shines with holy vengeance, sending the minotaurs still in the cave to run for their mster. Yet Storm realizes he can be deadlier with his magical bow, and drops the swords between the dragon and Sigurd.

Malik keeps pelletting the dragon from a distance, when finally Sigurd reaches for Hrunskvang, and unleashes an avalanche of deadly blows on the dragon. Once, twice, and more and more the holy blade slashes at the dragon, until the monstrous head of the fiend detaches from its neck.

As they bind their wounds, and mourn Dherg's death, the minotaurs return and gather around them, seizing their weapons, to bring them in the presence of Lord Geryon. They have killed his most prized pet... now there will be Hell to pay...

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