Sunday 27 October 2019

Session 3

PCs (1st-level): Bernard, Estel, Tristan, Tuarim, Vladimir

The party joins Tuarim at the palace of the Lord-Prince for the dusk prayers. There they meet with Jaheira, who informs them her noble mother is still absent. Tuarim gets the chance to exchange a few words with the Lord-Prince.

When they leave the palace, they are approached by the servants of Omadi the Quick, guildmaster of the Gold Coast Coster. Omadi wishes to discuss a bussiness proposition, and he invites the PCs to hoin him for a bath the day after. The party gladly accepts.

The same evening the PCs make their way to the docks, where after some investigation they find the Sea Harpy. They approach the captain of the vessel, pretending to be interested in buying alchemical fire from the Brotherhood of Khet. The captain seems to believe them, and he tells them to bring a down payment the day after. The party retires for the night, but they notice they're being followed, most probably by the men of the Brotherhood of Khet. Tuarim asks Faroud, a faithful servant of his father, to shadow their watchers discreetly.

The day after they meet Omadi in one of his bath-houses. Omadi asks the PCs to talk with the silat they met in one of his abandoned bath-houses, and persuade her to "relocate". He offers a payment of 2,000 gold pieces in pearls. The party accepts, thinking they will need the money to deal with the Brotherhood.

The PCs visit the library looking for information on the silat. Estel discovers several interesting details that may help them in dealing with the hag. Outside of the library they meet Faroud again: he has been following the men of Khet, and discovered that one of them has entered the guildhouse of the Lord-Prince. This revelation puts the PCs off guard, and they ask Faroud to capture their shadow for interrogation.

In the afternoon the party return to their mansion, where they find the captured sailor in the dungeons. They question him, and they learn that indeed the Sea Harpy has smuggled several Anuireans inside of Ariya. He does not know where they procured the alchemist fire, but they had clear instructions to visit the guildhouse of the Prince for assistance. Still processing this unsettling news, the party gets ready to meet the captain of the Sea Harpy once again.

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