Sunday 1 December 2019

Session 8

PCs (3rd-level): Estel, Khalid, Rhys, Tuarim, Vladimir

Estel returns from her studies, and learns of the fate that has befallen of Tristan and Bernard. She discusses the matter with the Grand Vizier, and they agree to not inform the respective families until the mystery surrounding the attacks is solved.

Khalid listens to the conversation from the shadows. When Estel leaves, his mother makes it clear to him that the newfound sun mage must be protected at all costs. the monk, having trained for this task all his life, readily accepts.

Sir Riegon, Tristan's mentor, demands to leave Ariya with Tristan's body, so that he might receive proper burial in his lands. Malik opposes the decision, and tensions rise. Estel intervenes and Riegon accepts to wait, but only because of the respect he harbors for Estel's sister, lady Niobhe.

Hadan el-Djefer, admiral of the Golden Navy, visits the PCs palace, to inform Tuarim of the upcoming ceremony where he will officially take his Oath of loyalty to the Prince. The ceremony is scheduled for the next day.

The party takes some time to go back to the Alchemist's laboratory, looking for clues. Vladimir uses magic to communicate with the weird creature swimming in the alchemist fire's vat, and finds out the Alchemist had an accomplish, most probably a woman.

Following up on the holy symbol found in the Alchemist's possession, the PCs visit the Temple of Nasri, where they meet the sea-priestess Thuriya. She's known to be an oracle, and may shed some light on the matter. At the same time, she does not feel she can trust the party, as they seem to have many attachments to the Church of Avani.

The pahari Silanah makes her presence known, coming our of the sea-water pool of the temple. She recognizes the PCs, and may be willing to help. Rhys uses his charms with the fey creatures, and she grants him a kiss, and with it the gift of being able to breath underwater for a limited time. She also agrees to put a good word with Thuriya, if the PCs will perform a task for her. She and her sisters have an issue with some pirates off the coast of Ariya, and she wants the party to take care of the situation.

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