Sunday 8 December 2019

Session 9

PCs (3rd-level): Estel, Khalid, Rhys, Tuarim, Vladimir

Tuarim swears his Oath in front of the Lord-Prince and several high-ranking members of the Swords of Avani and the Golden Navy. The Lord-Prince makes him a gift, a magical armor that will protect him against life-draining attacks.

Silanah the pahari contacts the PCs again, and recounts the legend of Eirat, el-Arrasi's evil brother, and a traitor. The archmage turned him into a giant turtle, and a cult of wicked men and women worship him as a divinity. These are the pirates that are harrassing the pahari.

The party investigates any records related to the keep the pirates have taken control of, and learn of the existence of a secret passage that should bring them from an underground sea entrance straight to the central building of the keep.

With the help of Silanah, they find the underground pier. The waters are haunted by several undead, but Vladimir's divine powers sends them on the run. The party infiltrates the keep, and surprises the leaders of the pirates, among them the awnshegh Grimjaw, a monstrosity looking like a humanoid shark.

The PCs fight a few more pirates, and liberate a group of prisoners forced into servitude. They barricade themselves in the central keep, and take a breather to recover their strenghts.

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