Thursday 10 September 2020

Session 5

Heroes (lvl 3): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Morwen, Regall, Ryel

671 MR - Winter (month of Faniele)

The party is on the run, followed by mostrous creatures. As they reach a ravine crossed by a rickety bridge, they risk all and charge ahead on the bridge, with their pursuers gaining ground. At that moment, the ranger Deet jumps out of hiding and cuts the bridge's ropes, sending the monstrosities to their doom, and favouring the party's escape. When they have a change to regroup, the party makes Deet's acquaintance, and they invite her to follow them to Havenwood. Eager to learn more, the ranger agrees.

During the remaining few days of travel that separate them from Havenwood, the party is haunted by mysterious omens. Amani recalls her vision of a mysterious stranger coming from the depths of a dark cave, bearing words of doom. Ryel dreams of ominous mountains shattered by the power of nature. Regall finds out that his connection to higher powers is changing him and the world around him, and he thinks back at his first meeting with the angelic entity called Ashan.

Eventually the party reaches the Ice Castle of Havenwood, where they receive a cold reception from the regents. When Amani and Morwen bring new of Tristan's death to their parents, they are surprised by their mild reactions. The Queen immediately puts Amani in front of her responsibilities as heir to the throne, while at the same time suggesting she abdicates this honor to her younger brother Taliesin. Morwen, next in line after Amani, does not seem happy to hear this.

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