Thursday 8 October 2020

Session 9

Heroes (lvl 3): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Morwen, Regall, Ryel 

671 MR - Winter (month of Pasiphiel)

The party is treated to a feast, where they exchange some news with the King. Emerus informs them that the goblins besieging their doors are actually seeking vengeance against a clan of orcs living deep underground. It looks like these orcs have stolen a sacred relic of the goblins.

The PC volunteer to take care of the issue, and interrogate a pair of orc captives. with magic and deception, they obtain the information they need. The orc warchief has indeed stolen a sacred spear belonging to the goblins, which is kept in the orcs' lair. The party plans to mount an expedition to this lair, and retrieve the spear.

In the meanwhile they also find the time to explore the dwarven city, and make friends with Ruby, the young dwarven heiress of the Rocksplitter clan. Ruby is eager to make a name of her own fighting orcs. To this end, the party helps her persuade her grandfather to let her go on an adventure with them.

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