Friday 6 November 2020

Session 11

Heroes (lvl 3): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Morwen, Regall, Ryel 

671 MR - Winter (month of Pasiphiel)

The Heroes gather their strength, and plan a new assault on the orc lair. This time stealth is on their side, and they reach the central chamber of the lair without raising the alarm. Once there, battle is joined against the warchief Argug and his lieutenants.

The party kill the orcs, and retrieve the stolen goblin spear. When they hear more orcs coming their way, they rapidly escape. Morwen takes with her Gorgash, the magical greataxe of Argug.

The PCs return to the dwarven stronghold, where they are hailed as champions. King Emerus arranges a feast in their honor, and makes a mighty gift to Gunnar: a dwarven plate armor. The dwarven king confirms to the group that they have proven themselves in his eyes, and earned his respect.

Having accomplished what they set out to do, during the next few days the party leaves the dwarven kingdom, and make way to Old Fort, capital of the Giantdowns, and seat of power of the High King Sigurd Jotunulf.

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