Wednesday 21 September 2022

Session 30

Heroes (lvl 7): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

672 MR - Autumn (month of Erntenir)

Battle is joined after a short exchange of words between the Heroes and the Manslayer. Rhuobhe unleashes his frightening aura, and then explodes in a flurry of swordplay and magic.

To everyone's surprise (?), Belzekyr changes shape, reverting to his true form, that of a young dragon, and unleashes claws, fangs, and fire on the Elf.

Deet tries to penetrate the Elf's tremendous defenses, finding the mark with her arrows on occasion.

Amani focuses her magic on the Elf, heating his armor with a spell that impairs his ability to fight, then she supports the party with her healing magic. Those that remain near her are immune to the magic of the awnshegh, thanks to her magical dagger.

Ryel protects himself with his magic, and also manages to afflict the Elf with faerie fire, granting a considerable advantage to the party. He then joins the fray to wound the enemy with his elven blade.

Hassan summons the very power of the storm, striking the Manslayer with lightning again and again.

Regall uses the obsidian orb to summon Spiritrender and unleashes him against his own father. When the demon is defeated and the young man is on the brink of defeat, help arrives from his angelic patron, as an aspect of Ashan joins the battle

Gunnar is frightened by the terrible aura of the awnshegh, and he's unable to bring his greatsword to bear for most of the fight, until the Elf steps in between his enemies, regardless of their numbers.

When things start to look bad for the party, Belzekyr decides to take the baby, and fly out of a window. Rhuobhe stops him with a spell that sends him to an extradimensional maze

Realizing that escape is not an option, the Heroes fight on, and eventually bring the Elf to his knees, while he literally cooks inside his magically heated armor. Reminded by her patron of his secret desires, Amani steps forward, and stabs the Elf in the chest with her pact dagger. Rhuobhes bloodline flows into the magic dagger, and the awnshegh turns to ashes. Belzekyr and the scion of Alamie reappear from thin air, now free from the magical maze.

Having accomplished the impossible, the Heroes turn to the stairs, already crawling with dozens of elven guards coming to kill them. Until the colossal windows of the room explode in a flurry of feathers, as a flock of griffons arrives on the scene, led by the knights of Tuornen they freed from captivity earlier. The Heroes rapidly mount on the griffons, and make their escape.


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