Wednesday 28 September 2022

Session 31

Heroes (lvl 8): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

672 MR - Autumn (month of Sehnir)

The griffons fly the fugitives beyond the mountains surrounding Ruannoch, then they return to their nests. The Heroes will have to walk the rest of the way. Belzekyr, still in his dragon form, decides to fly the baby and Regall to the capital, while the others continue on foot.

Amani strengthens her bond with Anomander, surrendering to the Pact of the Chain. The entity from the Shadow Worlds gifts her a familiar, the pseudodragon Theodore.

The creature also performs as a bridge between two worlds, when Anomander wishes to speak with Ryel. The Shadow lord reveals a few hints about his identity that leave Ryel quite preoccupied.

In an attempt to know more about Gunnar's emotional state, Deet asks the prince of the Rjuven to practice their swordplay. Alas, while Gunnar performs his duties, he is not that willing to share his feelings.

When they're all finally in the twin cities of Heas and Lofton, the Heroes participate to a meeting with Duchess Erin, Duke Nathanael, and Belzekyr. During the meeting they establish the next steps of their rebellion.

Belzekyr suggests that those Heroes capable of casting Arcane magic get attuned to the magical Source of the land, in order to amplify their magic and be able to cast realm-wide spells. The Source is to be found under the fortresses of the capitals, inside the lair of Tuornen, the petrified dragon and mother of Belzekyr. 

Nathanael suggests that the more martially inclined Heroes train with the troops of Tuornen and Alamie, to strengthen their bonds of camaraderie, and practice maneuvers to be used on the battlefield.

Erin makes it clear that the reputation of the Heroes is growing fast, and igniting the fires of rebellion. News of the arrival of the Scion of Roele, and of how she and her companions have defeated one of the oldest awnshegh, is rapidly taking on the mantle of legend.

Preparations for the war effort may still take the whole winter, but coming spring it is certain that Anuire will once again be at war.

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