Wednesday 12 October 2022

Session 32

Heroes (lvl 8): Amani, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

672 MR - Winter

Preparations for battle are ongoing during the winter. Duchess Erin explains that the attack from the east will be performed with three main armies. The Order of the Phoenix, led by Nathanael, will move to the northern border of Boeruine to stop troops from Talinie to intervene, while the Silver Knight of Lady Erin will go south to intercept troops coming from Taeghas. The heroes will lead an army going straight to Seaharrow to eventually meet with Niobhe's fleet coming from the north.

To this end, the Heroes begin to muster their army, and to train and forge bonds of camaraderie with the new recruits. Each of them contributes to the creation of this new fighting force of 1,500 men and women that they name the Dragonguard. 

The PCs also explore the lair of the dragon of Tuornen under the twin castles of Haes and Lofton, assisted by the young dragon Belzekyr. They attune themselves to the magical source originating from the lair, and become capable of summoning its power to help them on the battlefield.

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