Thursday 17 November 2022

Session 37

Heroes (lvl 8): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

673 MR - Spring

The Heroes enter the wizard's tower; they explore several rooms, including a well-stocked library containing lore from many topics. It seems the count is very interested in the Shadow, and also in the lost history of the Masetians, the ancient seafaring culture that colonized Cerilia before the War of Shadow. A reference to a powerful artefact called The Crown of the Oceans piques Hassan's interest.

Rising through the levels of the tower, the Heroes face a few of the count's magical minions, before Arlen Innis makes challenges them himself. The mage unleashes his arcane power on them, bolstered by his magical Solar Staff, but also by magic summoned from the Shadow. After a challenging battle, the PCs defeat the mage, and Amani pierces his heart with her sickle, stealing his bloodline. 


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