Wednesday 23 November 2022

Session 38

Heroes (lvl 9): Amani, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

673 MR - Spring

The Heroes settle in castle Nietier and make preparations for the war effort. They also make some research in the castle library, delving deeper into the secrets of the Shadow world. They begin to learn about the existence of Azariel, the mysterious name that was invoked by the former count when he summoned the power of shadow.

Having garrisoned the castle with 200 soldiers, the Heroes leave for Calant, where they join with Niobhe's army. The Duchess brings news of the other fronts: The Knights of the Phoenix led by Duke Nathanael Alamie are occupying the port city of Tariene, where Niobhe herself disembarked and left a few ships. The rest of her fleet is sailing for Seasedge. The Silver Knights of Tuornen are split between Redoubt and Bacaele, besieging both castles. The siege is ongoing, and the fight is extolling a heavy price from Grandmistress Erin Tieghan.

The Heroes discuss their further strategy with Niobhe. The city of Seasedge seems impregnable, the only way to conquer it is for the gates to be opened from the inside. The noble leaders of the invasion plan to contact the guild-masters of the city to make a deal of sorts. Another option would be to approach the Cardinal-Duke's son, who seems to resent the current state of affairs; the man has no clerical inclinations, barring him from inheriting his father's seat.

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