Thursday 23 February 2023

Session 46

Heroes (lvl 10): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

673 MR - Spring

The Heroes take control of the city of Seasedge. The cathedral-fortress of the duke is protected by tendrils of shadow that kill every living thing trying to walk through them. When the Heroes study the phenomenon, they come to the conclusion that the duke is using a powerful ritual to shift his castle to the Shadow World. Something needs to be done to avoid this event.

While they look for a solution, Niobhe brings forth the issue of who will rule Boeruine after the fall of the duke. After some discussions, it looks like Regall would be the best candidate; to strengthen his position, he would have to marry lady Idele, the daughter or Arlen Borthein. Lady Idele looks agreeable.

Amani reveals to Niobhe of her connection to Anomander; the queen of Dhoesone is very worried about this, and asks Amani to give her the dagger she received from Anomander, for safekeeping. Amani accepts. Not long after, Amani receives a visit from Anomander, who is concerned about Amani's lack of trust. 

The Heroes decide to assault the duke's fortress; Amani calls for Anomander's help, and the shadow tendrils come apart to allow them passage, closing behind them after they've entered the courtyard of the fortress. 

Awaiting them at the gate is a dark angel summoned from the Shadow, a servant of the dark god Azariel. The angel tries to stop the Heroes' advance, but she's defeated.

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