Saturday 16 December 2000


The Ice Lady, the Winter Witch

  • Rjurik: Karesha
  • Brechtur: Kriestal

Alignment: Lawful evil

Worshipers Alignment: Any non-good

Areas of Concern: Winter, monsters

Symbol: White hand

Domains: Nature, Tempest

When Azrai was destroyed at Mount Deismaar, his champions ascended to claim his position. Kriesha was a Vos high priestess who absorbed the portfolios of cruelty, despair, and cold. Along with Belinik, she is the guardian of the Vos. Kriesha stands for strength through hardship and tests the Vos with harsh winters and savage conflict to weed out the weak.

Kriesha's Priesthood

Kriesha isn't openly worshipped outside of Vosgaard, although the Rjuriks and Brechts know and fear her. Among the Vos, her priests are always women; they command great influence in Vos society and use their powers to test the strength of the Vos warriors.

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