Saturday 16 December 2000


Goddess of Fire, Beauty, and Art

  • Khinasi: Leira
  • Rjurik: Lara

Vosgaard: Ayairda

Alignment: Chaotic good

Worshipers Alignment: Any non-evil

Areas of Concern: Fire, love, art

Symbol: Harp and flame

Domains: Forge, Life, Light

The daughter of Erik and Avani, Laerme appeared in the years after Deismaar. She is a fiery goddess of beauty and love and patroness of the arts. She is not jealous or vain, and freely rewards any who create beauty regardless of whether they worship her. However, Laerme can be moved to heated anger by any who deny love or who delight in destroying things of beauty.

Laerme's Priesthood

Few temples are devoted to Laerme's worship, but may people who worship other gods call on her for help in matters of romance. Her priests tend to be wandering courtiers and advisers and are likely to ally themselves with established temples.

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