Saturday 16 December 2000


Goddess of the Sea, Lady of Mourning

  • Khinasi: Nasri
  • Rjurik: Narikja
  • Brechtur: Neira

Alignment: Neutral good

Worshipers Alignment: Any

Areas of Concern: The seas, grief

Symbol: Wave and trident

Domains: Grave, Life, Tempest

Nesirie (neh-SEE-ree-eh) is the patroness of mariners and explorers. Nesirie inherited Masela's power after that goddess perished, but their people - the Masetians - passed into history in a few short centuries following the War of Shadow. Nesirie mourns for them still, and any who know grief call on her. She is the wife of Haelyn.

Nesirie's Priesthood

Nesirie's faith is a minor one, but it is popular with folk who live on or near the sea as well as individuals who feel they've suffered great losses in life. Few of Nesirie's priests are interested in political power. Nesirie's paladins are always female.

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