Saturday 16 December 2000


The Moon God, the Silver Prince

  • Khinasi: Rilni
  • Rjurik: Lirorn
  • Vosgaard: Lirovka

Alignment: Neutral

Worshipers Alignment: Any

Areas of Concern: Night, moon, magic

Symbol: Crescent moon

Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Twilight

Ruornil is the god of magic - the guardian of the world's arcane forces and places of mystical power. Ruornil was an Anuirean who followed the old god of magic, Vorynn, after Azrai swayed the Vos away from Vorynn. When Vorynn perished at Deismaar, Ruornil inherited his power. All Cerilian mages acknowledge Ruornil's power, even if they do not worship him.

Ruornil's Priesthood

Woodsmen, astrologers, and wizards revere Ruornil, but few priests of this reclusive power exist. His temples are usually places of enchantment hidden in the forests and dells of the Cerilian wilderness, but in Anuire, a few temples take interest in political power and concerns.

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