Friday 15 July 2011

Session 17

Summer 612 MR till Autumn

The Heroes invade the Hall of Frost, and face more Frost Giants, and the troops of the White Witch. They also find many papers detailing the future strategies of the White Witch's invasion of the Giantdowns.

They eventually meet with Inoke, the half-giantess leader of the compound, and Malachi, her trusted Khinasi lieutenant. They defeat them both, and retrieve the Winter's Seed, and evil magical shard that is creating the unnatural winter in the Giantdowns. Jasmine studies the object, and then manages to destroy it with magical fire. The Heroes return to Midjarna.

In the meanwhile, Hugin has infiltrated the Kjarhoelle tribe, managing to retrieve considerable intelligence about their numbers and strength. While he's there, an envoy of the White Witch is also present, a knight clad in icy armor. The knight seems aware of the defeat of Inoke and her giants, and blames the Kjarhoelle for their incompetence. Hugin also spots a pair of twins leaving the tent of Magnus, son of the chieftain.

Magnus orders Hugin to find out more about the Brotherhood of the Wolf, and possibly take care of them. Hugin leaves the tribe for Midjarna, bringing an hostage from the Kjarhoelle. Back in Midjarna, he meets with Michael, and they entrust the prisoner to the Watch, to hold him for interrogation.

Lord Thalion visits Michael to check on his progress, and brings him the news that Regall will soon marry Laile Flaertes, Countess of Tuornen. All the heroes are invited to the festivities. During the next few months, the heroes consolidate their control of Lemnjhoen.

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