Sunday 25 September 2011

Session 27

Spring 614 MR

The party travels to the Whitepeaks in Haldallen, where the dark dwarves are said to be found. While travelling the mountain passes, they meet a beatiful silver-maned white horse, lying wounded amongst the rocks. The Heroes assist him, and find out that the horse is actually an Asperii, a breed of intelligent flying horses. More Asperii arrive on the scene, thanking the Heroes for their help.

They explain that the wounded Asperii fell from the sky, dazed by the proximity with a poisonous cloud hovering above the Whitepeaks. The Asperii bring the party to visit Gelica, a sylph that can probably provide more information on the matter. Riding the Asperii, the Heroes reach Gelica's hut among the clouds, but they only found her talking owl companion. He informs them that Gelica went to investigate the poisonous cloud, but has not returned. Luckily for them, Gelica's magical harp, granting the power of fly for one and a half day, is still in the hut. Now able to fly on their own, the Heroes reach the blood-red cloud, and find a way inside the mountain from which the cloud originates.

Inside the mountain, they find an immense, active forge operated by Derro Dwarves, and their slaves. The Heroes attack the compound, defeating the biggest part of the Derro forces.

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