Friday 11 July 2014

Machteld Karlburgher (608 - 653 MR)

Brecht Fighter (Battlemaster)
Born 608 MR


Machteld is the niece of Duke Shaemes Karlburgher of Grevesmuhl. The Duke's sister was infatuated with a Mercenary Captain at the service of Lord Shaemes: Machteld was born from this love-story, but the duke did not approve, and he sent the Captain on a suicide mission.

He never came back, but his body was never found. So Machteld grew up resenting her uncle, and to spite him she also became a mercenary, in the same mercenary company that her father belonged to.

See more details HERE.

643 MR - 12/4, Machteld marries Luther, priest of Ruornil.
644 MR - 19/3, Twins boys are born, Sigismund and Arnulf. Bloodline Anduiras, Minor, 24 (the father is Luther).
647 MR - 28/6, A son is born. His name is Tuarim. Bloodline Basaia, Great, 38 (the father is Malik).

Death 653 MR (session 63): Killed by a divine word cast by the White Witch.

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