Friday 11 July 2014

Signar Thaelshore (622 - 642 MR)

Rjurik Cleric (Tempest) of Narikja
Born 622 - Died 642 MR

Signar is the bastard son of King Hrothwulf and a common-born midwife. He grew up in the town of Old Fort, but was allowed to visit his father at the castle when the Queen was not around.

He never really felt accepted by his father and his half-siblings, so when he was only twelve he left his hometown, to find fortune far away.

He joined a crew of Rjuven raiders, and took to the sea. On the Frozen Shark he met an old Masetian priest, who initiated him to the secrets of the Lady of Mourning.

Death (session 30): His throat cut by the pirate Karsten the Whale.

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