Saturday 31 January 2015

Session 23 (1,200 xp)

Heroes: Vladimir, Malik, Machteld, Niobhe, Trevan.

Year 641 MR (4th quarter)

The Heroes retreat behind the walls of their fortress in Havenwood; an Orog army, set on avenging Ghorlakk, invades their province, but is repelled. The Heroes fortify their defences, and travel to Lemnjohen just in time to participate to Vladimir's marriage to the beautiful Tanya.

Back in Havenwood, the Heroes focus on securing their domains, with Vladimir founding the first temple of Kirken, and Malik opening a guild network. Machteld decides to send her lieutenant Hestrig to Grevesmhul in Brechtur to bring her family to her.

Year 642 MR (1st quarter)

Refugees flow into Havenwood from the Realm of the White Witch, escaping a terrible winter, and the evil feys infesting their forests. Machteld welcomes them with open arms, while Vladimir uses powerful divine magic to bless the land. Trevan is invested as regent of Angarr (renamed Qaresma), but in so doing the Heroes make an enemy of Jarl Fardolf of Stjordvik.

Niobhe is granted Sh'krra, renamed Tir-na-dair; she sends Riegon to the Giantdowns to ask for reinforcements, and then she personally travels to Dhoesone to visit the baroness. While there, she discovers that the baroness is dead, executed as a witch by the Inquisitor of the Church of Haelyn, who is now ruling the country in the name of his church.

She manages to contact Daeric Dhoesone, a former ally of the baroness, now in hiding. Daeric, still hurting for the loss of the baroness, whom he loved, finds some relief in Niobhe's embrace and offer of help. He rewards her kindness with arcane knowledge, and a sincere friendship.

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