Saturday 28 February 2015

Session 27 (1,500 xp)

Heroes: Hrothwulf, Lena, Regall, Huralla

Year 642 MR (3rd quarter)

The Heroes wade through the hundreds of orogs trying to stop them; with spells and blades they cut 400 orogs in pieces. Awed by their tremendous powers, the orog armies make way for them, pointing them at the throne room.

But before they can face the Gorgon, they must go through his trophy room, a huge hall filled with the petrified remains of ancient heroes. Guarding this place, a Lich and his wraiths assault them. Regall, with his divine powers, causes great misery to the undead, but he must succumb to the terrible magic of the lich. A deadly word of power ends his life, but his sacrifice allows the remaining Heroes to defeat the undead, and finally enter the Gorgon's throne room.

There, the Gorgon awaits them, at his side the Hand of Azrai, the mysterious priestess of the dead god. Around them, hundred of screaming orog ready to rip the Heroes to pieces. Hrothwulf first, and Lena second, they challenge the Gorgon to a duel, but both perish under his tremendous strength.

Having recovered Brichlur, Hrothwulf's tighmaevril spear, for himself, the Gorgon allows Huralla to retrieve the remaining weapons of the fallen Heroes, to be given to their scions, so that they might one day come to the Gorgon for revenge, and die as their fathers.

With a heavy heart, Huralla flies away.