Sunday 20 September 2015

Session 57 (4,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Storm, Malik, Niobhe

Year 652 MR (2nd quarter)

The Kingsmoot ends with the coronation of King Sigurd as High King. But when the festivities begin, a pillar of frozen light appears in the main square of Hollingholmen, heralding the arrival of none other than the White Witch herself, together with her icy faeries and trolls.

The Heroes face the queen, striking several painful blows, but eventually succumb to the magical powers of the high-priestess of Karesha. Luckily, the queen cannot remain to finish them off, since the portal that brought her there is about to close. Mocking the gathered kings, she retreats to her portal and disappears. The citizens rally around the Heroes, and repel the remaining invaders.

King Fulgar utters harsh words against Sigurd, blaming him for all that happened, and suggesting that he gives himself in to the White Witch, to spare the other kingdoms. The situation rapidly escalates, and Sigurd and Fulgar decide to settle the matter with a duel, bare-chested, and with no weapons. The two kings go at each other with great fury, but Sigurd comes out as the winner. When Fulgar refuses to ask for mercy, Sigurd executes him with his own sword.

Having agreed on a plan of action for the next months together with the other kings, the Heroes return home to begin their preparations. Niobhe gathers the power of her magical sources, and cast a powerful realm spell, dispelling the unnatural winter in many of the affected provinces in Jentilak.

Year 652 MR (3rd quarter)

Stirred by the powerful magic, a horde of winter fey, trolls, giants, and other frozen creatures move south, invading all the kingdoms of the Taelshore and Jentilak. War has come in earnest, and only the courage of the Rjurik people, united under one banner, can save the Highlands.

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