Saturday 26 September 2015

Session 58 (3,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Storm, Machteld, Malik, Niobhe

Year 652 MR (3rd Quarter)

The Heroes got to war, facing the fey army on every border, repelling their forces back to the north. Thanks to their personal power, and to the protective magic of Sigurd's crown, the weakened armies of the White Witch are defeated, with only minor losses on the Rujven people's side.

Year 652 MR (4th Quarter)

The wrath of the White Witch comes quickly. A wave of icy magic comes from the north, freezing to death many of those troops still at the border. The Kings and Queens meet in Hollingholmen, where the Heroes decide it is time to cut the head of this frozen serpent. They inform the gathered lords that they will travel north, to the forzen wastes of Thaele, where the White Witch bathes in the power of frost magic.

But before they go, Huralla of the Emerald Spire and Archdruid Gunther of the Oaken Grove bid the Heroes to march on Mandal, where the White Witch first met with the avatar of her own goddess, and where much of her spiritual power is stored. By razing the city, they will severe that connection, and greatly weaken the Witch.

And so the Heroes call all banners, all kings and all churches, to march with them on Mandal. Almost 30,000 men gather at the gates of the cursed city. But the battle will not be an easy one: all evil has been called to Mandal, fey, giants, goblins, orogs, and terrible undead from the afterlife. The battle to decide the fate of the Rjurik Highlands is about to begin...

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