Monday 2 November 2015

Order of the Moon

Once there was a half-elven woman who was accepted by neither of her parents people. She was always called a witch. It is a common path to walk for half elves. And yet, despite all of this, the half elf still loved Cerilia and wished to keep it safe. She was of noble blood, and it showed in her actions. By her deeds along she gained titles and power.

She was always aware of the monsters, from beyond this world, that threaten it. Creatures of Shadow.

She was embroiled in the war against the encroaching cold and the witch that commanded it. She was aware that this witch was one of the very monsters, she wished to shield the world from. Then in one night, a kingdom died. A forest, where the meavheighl was strong, turned into a place haunted by emptiness. The event reeked also of the same kind of monsters. The woman felt that she needed help in this. People were needed of strong character, that wished to combat the encroaching doom of this world. Thus the Order of the Moon was founded. It called Ruornil it’s patron deity.

Over the years, the order numbered many heroes amongst it’s heroes, yet after a time it became obvious that two skillsets were necessary. One to be in tune with the meaveighl and sense its health, and a second set focused on fighting the darkness.

Those who would fight the darkness decided that they were done reacting to the monsters and swore Oaths of terrible Anger and punishment on the creatures that would spread the taint of shadow or Azrai.

After a few years, it became a common thing to view a travelling strapped with armor and blade wandering the lands, asking question about strange occurences, his armor adorned with a large silver depiction of a downward blade, it’s hilt the shape of a twilight moon.

The people are grateful for these Monsterhunters, for they do hunt threats to commonfolk, especially the dark things.

When things are peaceful however, the simple folk look warily at the stranger who speaks of alertness to the unknown dangers lurking in the shadows. Maybe the Order of Moon inherited some sort of curse from their founder?

Class: Paladin/ Oath of Vengeance

Allies were recruited in strange places. Those in tune with the meaveighl made promises and allies with some of the Fae also eager to fight the shadows. When word of those pacts become knowledge, the common folk became very wary of them. They would be called witch, just like their founder. They quickly took this as a badge of honor, and started calling themselves the Moon Witches

Class: Warlock/ Archfey Patron, some Druids of the Land learned their craft directly from the fey and thus are unaffiliated with one of the faiths of Erik, which causes them to also to be viewed with suspicion.

The Order has been diligent in its effort of reclaiming the corrupted wood and trying to turn back the lands to normalcy. They feel emboldened by their founder’s progress, but the Shadows still linger.

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