Monday 2 November 2015

Session 63 (10,000 xp)

Heroes: Sigurd, Storm, Machteld, Malik, Niobhe

Year 653 MR (1st Quarter)

The Heroes face the many guardians, traps, and riddles defending the abode of the White Witch. In an arcane laboratory, they find Queen Rowena, still under the influence of the White Witch charms. The Heroes must battle her and her chain devils before they manage to bring her back to her senses. Trevan, who has accompanied the Heroes this far, reunites with his wife, and stays behind to take care of her.

When the Heroes finally arrive in the main temple, they find the White Witch and her troll elite guards waiting for them. Behind her throne, the portal to Frozen Hell is wide open. The time for words is long past, and the Heroes throw themselves at he awnsheg, who flies around the temple carried by icy winds. While Sigurd and Machteld keep the trolls at bay, Malik and Storm fire their bows at the Witch, and Niobhe alternates between casting spells and striking with her fiery blade, to make sure the trolls stay dead.

But the magical powers of the White Witch take their toll, as the resources of the Heroes are depleted, and more than once they fall, only to stand up again when the ghostly image of Vladimir, their long lost friend, infuses them with the healing powerf of Kirken, so that they may fight once more.

Rowena and Trevan also join the fight, using their powerful spells to destroy the trolls, and bring down the Witch where the blades of the Heroes can have more effect. But the awnsheg powers remain tremendous, and when she utters a word of divine power, Machteld, having suffered many grievious wounds, falls dead.

Sigurd runs to the portal, to place the cursed sword Eternal Winter in the middle of it. As the portal slowly closes, the White Witch unleashes her most powerful spell, calling forth the divine help of Kriesha herself! But the goddess has not forgotten of her arch-priestess' alliance with Geryon, and she denies her help, taking away her ability to fly. The Heroes rush to her, and Sigurd brings her to her knees, yet shows mercy. As she laughs at this final act of piety, Malik runs forward, and cuts her throat, damning her soul to Hell.

The White Witch lies dead. One final act remains. Niobhe steps forward, to the now sealed portal. She strikes at the frozen image of Eternal Winter, and the portal shatters in a million fragments, forever gone.

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