Sunday 8 September 2019

Bernard Karlburgher (647 - 670 MR)

Human Rogue

He seeks honor in a duel, but he has an inferiority complex and cannot bear to be looked down on, this leads him to live an inner conflict between the noble principles and the need to prove that he is worthy of respect

Ideals. "We stand aganist the tide." Honor and prestige through a duel.

Bonds. Karlburgher family. Relationships with el-Arrasi

Flaws. Envious of those who have more Not prone to pity in a duel

Parents: Ottilie Karlburgher (627 MR) & Franz Von Allesrecht (613 MR), Duchess & Duke of Grevesmuhl.

Siblings: None.

Death (session 7): Burned by an explosion in the College of Astrology.

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